Professionally Certified REIKI Training
*Channel fulfilling energies for YOURSELF and OTHERS.
*Heal & release energetic blockages to your path forward.
Bridge our Physical World with the Spiritual Realm.
Elevate and Expand your Divine Consciousness.
SEE Full Details BELOW
Regularly Low Price $444
Friday / Saturday, March 28th & 29th
9:00 am to 6:30 pm
Friday / Saturday, April 11th & 12th
9:00 am to 6:30 pm
Please register by Wednesday March 19th
If you are reading this information, trust you are being guided in this direction. It may be for your own healing, to heal others, your spiritual development, your soul journey or all of the above. Trust your guidance or intuition as to what levels you should take.
Buckle up as it can be a wild ride!
In addition to Usui Energy, I am a Master Healer and Teacher of Karuna Reiki® and Holy Fire II Reiki energies. I love all 3 of them. Each level includes a professional certification allowing practitioners to charge for healing services and—at the Master level—to teach if you so desire. NOTE: Many people achieve Master level for personal growth and increased energy vibration without an intention for teaching. I teach various levels separately as changes occur in Reiki students’ vibration due to releasing, healing and increasing new energies at each level. I prefer these changes be made over time for students to feel the differences and to ease into these new vibrations.
I teach at various locations including the InSpirit Center for Spiritual Living Orange County in Mission Viejo where I am the Healing Services and Events Coordinator. See below for class descriptions.
I believe that a special relationship occurs between a student and teacher of healing energies. Whether you take one level or all levels, our connection remains as I offer continued support in working with the energy. I also like to watch you grow and expand on this sacred journey.
The more recent Karuna Reiki® and Holy Fire® II Reiki systems of energy have increased vibrations that further promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. They are multi-dimensional and effective for those looking for increased connection with their higher self and progression of spiritual growth.
• Practitioner levels I & II: the energy scans the student’s timeline to find an experience that needs healing and is important in helping them move forward on one's spiritual path.
• Practitioner level III/Advanced Reiki Training: the energy takes the student back to conception to heal everything needing healing from around the time of conception. The placement of Holy Fire II at this level also activates a master Reiki symbol for use in healing Reiki sessions.
• The Master level is a 3 day pre-ignition and ignition process. The pre-ignition releases energies that are not compatible to make room for the Holy Fire II energy and prepares the students energy field to more easily accept the Holy Fire® energy. The ignition of the Holy Fire II energy installs the energy in the student’s energy field and allows for release of energies not in harmony with the Holy Fire II. If you are willing to release them as no longer serving you (order of free will), it continuous healing. At the Master level, the strength of the Holy Fire II energy continues to grow over time providing you with many amazing blessings.
• NOTE: There are some healing energies that Holy Fire® II energy is not compatible with. For example, I was attuned to and used Tibetan Reiki symbols. Tibetan Reiki is not compatible with Holy Fire® II, so those symbols are no longer activated in my energy field. I choose not to use them. Also Holy Fire II answers the needs those symbols filled. If you are already an Energy Healer of any kind, make sure you know whether or not your energies are compatible and whether you want to give them up. If you prefer not to at this time, chances are you will be “called” back to the Holy Fir®e energy if you are meant to use it.
Learn about
● energetic anatomy & physiology and their connection to healing our emotional and physical bodies
● what Reiki is, how it is used, and what it feels like
● how to protect yourself during healing sessions
● Reiki’s guiding principles
● how to conduct healing sessions
● Be attuned to a Reiki symbol which turns on and off the flow of Reiki energy
● Receive placement of the Holy Fire® II Level I Energy
● Practice using your new healing abilities
Receive a professionally prepared manual and handouts.
Upon completion, you will receive a “Certificate” verifying that you are a Usui Holy Fire® II Reiki Level I Practitioner.
PREREQUISITE: Level I Practitioner training
● Increase your ability to channel Reiki energy by 80%
● Learn and be attuned to 3 new Reiki symbols that focus on:
o Mental healing
o Emotional healing
o Past or past life healing
● Learn and be attuned to the Reiki symbol that allows you to conduct healings from a distance and across time (both past and future)
● Learn several healing & non-healing techniques that utilize Reiki energy, including
o Quick self healing technique
o Treating headaches
o Quick chair treatments
o Programmed healings
o Clearing and protecting spaces
● Practice using your new symbols during healing sessions/non-healing techniques
●Recieve the ignition of the Usui Holy Fire® II Level II Practitioner
Your course fee includes a professionally prepared manual and handouts. At the end of class, you will receive a “Certificate” verifying that you are a Usui Holy Fire® II Reiki Level II Practitioner.
February 2018 "Helping Me to Go Deeper"
I recently completed two Reiki classes with Tammy. I had no idea what Reiki was other than I have lots of friends who had taken Reiki classes and it felt right for me to take the classes at this time. Tammy gave us a strong background in the first class and had us working with each other that same day. She was well organized, professional and informative in her training for both classes. In the second class as she coached us, I could feel her powerful energy working with me and helping me to go deeper until I was able to tap into information that I had never done before. Tammy is strong and gentle, powerful and loving, kind at all times and firm in her resolve to give us the very best she has to give. I can recommend her highly.
Barbara T, Portola Hills, CA
June 2017 "At First I Was Skeptical"
After practicing a mantra-style meditation in the era of the Beatles, it has been so comforting to find a person like Tammy who has the talent and insight to teach a meditation technique to help me relax, reduce stress, be aware of every breath, and calm my noisy mind. Tammy is very passionate about helping others and also introduced me to Reiki. At first, I was skeptical, but I quickly learned that this form of healing energy really works! Tammy is a Reiki Master who taught me about universal life energy. It is quite impressive, particularly if you have never been exposed to what I would call a spiritual form of energy. I have taken two of Tammy's Reiki classes and can proudly say that I am now a certified Level 2 Practitioner. Since then, I have done Reiki sessions on several people who confirmed that they can feel the energy. In fact, my friend who hurt her foot and walked with a limp was jumping around pain-free afterward! Tammy is an excellent teacher; she not only has the skill and experience, but a great passion for what she does with a caring nature. Thank you, Tammy, for your insight, integrity, and the comfort and inspiration you give to everyone you touch.
Phyllis C. Marana, AZ
SPACE IS LIMITED-USE ZELLE (949.444.6123) or button above. NOW!
Level I:
Level II:
PREREQUISITE: Reiki Level II Practitioner
You will establish a much deeper connection to Spirit and learn amazing tools utilizing Reiki energy!
This course is divided into 2 parts: (a) Reiki III and (b) Advanced Reiki Training (ART).
During the Reiki III portion of the course, you will
● Receive placement for 2 new symbols that focus on
o Spiritual healing (e.g., healing your relationship with Spirit/God)
o Assisting those in “transition” to easily cross to the Light
During the Advanced Reiki Techniques (ART) portion of the course, you will be taught a large number of healing and non-healing techniques that utilize Reiki energy. (NOTE: If you are not working professionally as a healer, ART techniques may be what you use Reiki for on a more regular basis.) These techniques include . . .
● Reiki meditation techniques that enhance your ability to be a clear channel of “life force energy”
● How to use a pendulum to assess the health of chakras (i.e., are they balanced and clear of toxic energy)
● How to use Reiki to
o Balance and clear chakras
o Conduct house cleansings/blessings
o Manifest your desires
o Create 4th dimensional grids to empower and protect bjects/locations
You will be given time to practice your new skills (e.g., using a pendulum to assess the health and balance of chakras and then using a Reiki technique to correct any problems that are discovered).
Course fee includes a professionally prepared manual. At the end of class you will receive a “Certificate” verifying that you are a Reiki III Practitioner and have participated in an Advanced Reiki Techiniques (ART) course.
that it is difficult to describe the energy that is being channeled. They use words such as “stronger,” “more intense,” “more serious,” and “more powerful.”
But they also report that it feels gentler in many ways and more compassionate!
Once someone is attuned to the Karuna Reiki energy, they often report that the energy doesn’t just flow out of their hands (as is often the case with Reiki) but, instead, the energy flows through and around their hands, arms, and, for some, the entire body.
You will learn the
● Origins of Karuna Reiki® and how it compares to Usui and Holy Fire II energies
● Placements of the 4 Karuna Reiki® I symbols, which prepare the body for deep healing
You will practice channeling healing energy using the new symbols.
● You will receive the Ignition and a professional certificate of the Holy Fire II for Karuna Reiki® level I Practitioner
PREREQUISITE: Karuna Reiki® Level I
You will:
Class will include
• How to channel Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® energy for use in healing sessions.
• How to conduct placements, ignitions and experiences.
• How to teach all Karuna Reiki® Holy Fire II level classes.
You will receive Pre-Ignition (healing & preparation) and Ignition of Holy Fire II energies for your own continuous healing and enabling you to channel Holy Fire II energy for others. The ignition also allows you to conduct placements, ignitions and experiences.
Includes a professionally prepared manual, which is supplemental to the official manual provided by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).
At the end of class, you will receive a “Certificate of Completion” issued by the ICRT, which makes you eligible to become registered with the ICRT as a Karuna Reiki Holy Fire II Master/Teacher.
TRAINING FOR LEVELS I & II are taught in a separate 2 (2) day intensives-
9am to 6pm.
Regularly $444 both levels or
$175 for level I and $325 Level II.
Training for Level III (ART) is a 1 day intensive, 9am to 6pm
Cost: $333
Master Level Usui Holy Fire® II Reiki is taught over a 3 consecutive days,
9am to 6pm.
COST: $555
All classes include on-going support.
Due to the high vibration of the Karuna® energy, I generally teach levels I & II in separate (1) day intensives, one month apart.
9am to 6pm.
Cost: $333 each level
Master Level Karuna Holy Fire® II Reiki is taught over 3 consecutive days,
9am to 6pm. Each day!
COST: $555
All classes include on-going support.
I am available to email or speak with you for any questions you may have.
Also, I am creating an interest list of people wanting to learn to channel Reiki and become Professionally Certified Healers for upcoming trainings.
Please contact me if this is YOU!