Learn about what Reiki is , how it works, what it can do for you and what sessions are like. Includes Frequently Asked Questions.
Learn what clients near and far have to say about Energy Healing Sessions with me. Included are words from those I have worked with prior to my work in wellness.
Learn how you can become a Certified Reiki Practitioner for yourself and others. I teach all levels of Usui, Karuna Reiki® & Holy Fire® II. My student testimonials are here.
I teach a variety of programs for learning and experiencing Healing on all levels of Mind, Body and Spirit.
I encourage healthy lifestyles in a well-rounded approach that supports your body's own energy flow and optimal health. Please check back soon for details!
When looking for a professional Energy Healer or a Mentor, you want to know about their education, experience and who they are. Here is a glimpse of me.
I invite you to listen to my in-depth radio interview about Reiki Energy and Health on the radio show: Health Coach Radio-Hosted by Health Coach Donna Parker, L.A.c. on the World Wide Web Radio-CHSR Healthy Life.net
8-10-17 Tammy Descoteaux - Reiki Interview on Health Coach Radio with DonnaParker, L.A.c. (mp3)