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Sugar also causes inflammation, stresses the immune system and depletes our energy. It is no wonder people find it difficult to reduce their intake and suffer from sugar related illnesses.
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This time of year, especially with viruses and bacterial infections in the forefront, it is a good time and important to consider our many options for optimal healing and prevention.
Most people reach for over-the-counter products to “feel better”. To do so, we reduce the symptoms but often the virus is still present, until it runs its course. Different strains have different courses and timelines.
It is important to remember, symptoms are usually the body’s defense mechanisms fighting an invasion of foreign properties. Removing them, (symptoms), may prolong the illness. For example, many take aspirin or give aspirin to children to reduce fevers. The fever is part of the body’s immune response to the virus or bacteria causing the illness as they don’t survive as well in higher temperatures. Once the aspirin is discontinued, the fever may return and at a higher degree.
Can there be a connection to consider between colds that linger or keep returning, and the course of over-the-counter symptom suppression we are used to?
We must also remember that over the counter products such as decongestants, expectorants, cough suppressants, and pain relievers can have significant side effects.
For example:
A Note on antibiotics: Colds and the flu are caused by viruses and cannot be cured with antibiotics. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, such as strep throat and ear, skin and urinary tract infections. Using antibiotics for infections they are not able to treat makes the antibiotics less effective for infections they are supposed to treat (a situation called antibiotic resistance). Never take antibiotics to treat colds and flu.
Antibiotics also have side effects that can cause harm. They range from mild reactions, like a rash, to more serious health problems. These problems can include severe allergic reactions, antibiotic-resistant infectionsand C. diff infection. C. diff causes diarrhea that can lead to severe colon damage and death.
I hope the information contacted in this writing heightens your awareness to the need for caution and a review of side effects of all medications, prescribed and over-the-counter, PRIOR to consumption,
Always discuss in detail any questions you may have with your pharmacist or doctor.
Now about those “old wives”, the good news…some healthier alternatives…
Just as with “Crime Prevention”, I prefer “Illness Prevention”. There are effective measures you can take as a matter of lifestyle that will leave you in healthier condition, ie a stronger immune system and more balanced energy for greater protection against colds and flu with little or no side effects.
In a brief summary of a research article, “Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections” (Philip C. Calder,1 Anitra C. Carr,2 Adrian F. Gombart,3 and Manfred Eggersdorfer4 ), from the National Institute on Health, April 2020 states that
“The role nutrition plays in supporting the immune system is well-established. A wealth of mechanistic and clinical data show that vitamins, including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and folate; trace elements, including zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and copper; and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid play important and complementary roles in supporting the immune system. Inadequate intake and status of these nutrients are widespread, leading to a decrease in resistance to infections and as a consequence an increase in disease burden”
And they offered the following conclusions: (1) supplementation with the above micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids is a safe, effective, and low-cost strategy to help support optimal immune function; (2) supplementation above the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), but within recommended upper safety limits, for specific nutrients such as vitamins C and D is warranted; and (3) public health officials are encouraged to include nutritional strategies in their recommendations to improve public health.
Though to me this is obvious, this is HUGE, as I believe they are acknowledging and publishing the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation on our health. This is a welcomed but rare find. Using high-quality nutritional supplementation to support our immune health makes perfect sense because our bodies are
· made up of 6 BASIC ELEMENTS hydrogen, oxygen (h2o- +90% of our body is water) carbon, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus
· AND 20 additional small & trace MINERALS vital to our physiology.
· Many life factors can deplete our body elements and minerals, including aging and stress.
However, not all nutritional supplements are created equal…
The Food and Drug Administration requires only that dietary supplement manufacturers follow food Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). I recommend you look for a product that follows the more stringent GMP for pharmaceuticals, which regulates virtually every aspect of manufacturing, and I believe, provides higher quality products.
In the interest of brevity here, please contact me for more information about nutritional supplements and recommendations for personalized health plans by emailing me at
While writing this article, my daughter reminded me of one of my favorite natural remedy-A Latin Onion Tea from the mother of one of her co-workers. The core ingredients are purple onions, garlic and ginger. This recipe uses oranges and limes. An internet search shows many variations for choice such as apples, cinnamon and/or cloves.
Note: ingredients should be organic when possible.
¼ purple onion
3 cloves of garlic cut up
1 piece of ginger
1 cut up orange
1 cut up lime
1 tsp Honey
Combine all ingredients, except the honey, in a pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil for atleast 30 minutes. Pour into a glass and add honey to coat your throat. Sip 3 glasses per day.
Speaking of onions, they are anti-bacterial and can be cut in half and placed on a night stand. They are said to pull bacteria from respiratory system and many people report feeling better after this practice. Try it as an experiment, even if you are not sick The black you see collecting is bacteria.
I love the tips offered by on natural or alternative treatments to help or relieve cold or flu symptoms.
As with all healing care, consider your options, and choose what you feel might work best for you.
you're experiencing are part of the natural healing process -- evidence that the immune system is battling illness. For instance, a fever is your body's way of trying to kill viruses by creating a hotter-than-normal environment. Also, a fever's hot environment makes germ-killing proteins in your blood circulate more quickly and effectively. Thus, if you endure a moderate fever for a day or two, you may actually get well faster. Coughing is another productive symptom; it clears your breathing passages of thick mucus that can carry germs to your lungsand the rest of your body. Even that stuffy nose is best treated mildly or not at all. A decongestant, like Sudafed, restricts flow to the bloodvessels in yincrease blood flow because it warms the infected area and helps secretions carry germs out of you.
It's important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sniffling mucus back into your head. But when you blow hard, pressure can carry germ-carrying phlegm back into your ear passages, causing earache. The best way to blow your nose: Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gentlyto clear the other.
Salt-water rinsing helps break nasal congestion, while also removing virus particles and bacteria from your nose. Here's a popular recipe:
Mix 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking sodain 8 ounces of distilled, sterile or previously boiled water. Use a bulb syringe or nasal irrigationkit to squirt water into the nose. Hold one nostril closed by applying light finger pressure while squirting the salt mixture into the other nostril. Let it drain. Repeat two to three times, then treat the other nostril.
Staying warm and resting when you first come down with a cold or the flu helps your body direct its energy toward the immune battle. This battle taxes the body. So give it a little help by resting.
Gargling can moisten a sore throat and bring temporary relief. Gargle with half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8 ounces warm water, four times daily.
To reduce the tickle in your throat, try an astringent gargle -- such as tea that contains tannin -- to tighten the membranes. Or use a thick, viscous gargle made with honey or honey and apple cider vinegar. Seep one tablespoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice in two cups of hot water; mix with one teaspoon of honey. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before gargling.
Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. If you're so congested that you can't sleep at night, try a hot toddy, an age-old remedy. Make a cup of hot herbal tea. Add one teaspoon of honey and one small shot (about 1 ounce) of whiskey or bourbon. Limit yourself to one. Too much alcohol will inflame the membranes and make you feel worse.
Steamy showers moisturize your nasal passages and may help you relax. If you're dizzy from the flu, run a steamy shower while you sit on a chair nearby and take a sponge bath.
A small dab of mentholated salve under your nose can help to open breathing passages and restore the irritated skinat the base of the nose. Menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor all have mild numbing ingredients that may help relieve the pain of a nose rubbed raw. However, only put it on the outside, under your nose, not inside your nose.
Either temperature works. You can buy reusable hot or cold packs at a drugstore or make your own. You can apply heat by taking a damp washcloth and heating it for 55 seconds in a microwave (test the temperature first to make sure it's not too hot.) A small bag of frozen peas works well as a cold pack.
Elevating your head will help relieve congested nasal passages. If the angle is too awkward, try placing the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to create a more gradual slope.
There's no point adding stress to your already stressed-out upper respiratory system, and that's what the change in air pressure will do. Flying with cold or flu congestion can temporarily damage your eardrums as a result of pressure changes during takeoff and landing. If you must fly, use a decongestant and carry a nasal spray with you to use just before takeoff and landing. Chewing gum and swallowing frequently can also help relieve pressure.
Here are some good foods to eat when you're battling a cold or flu:
Remember, serious conditions, such as sinusinfections, bronchitis, meningitis, strep throat, and asthma, can look like the common cold. If you have severe symptoms, or don't seem to be getting better, call your doctor.
I have also found that
VITAMIN D has come to the forefront and is now recognized as being instrumental in strengthening our immune system.
Research has also shown that PROBIOTICS can help protect the immune system against flu viruses. In a controlled trial, there were fewer instances of colds in people who were taking probiotics than in those who were not.
Probiotics are present in many foods, including:
A cold or flu virus can last for up to 2 weeks, with symptoms usually at their worst for about 2 or 3 days.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, people should see a doctor if their cold or flu symptoms last longer than 10 days with no signs of improvement.
People who have any unusual symptoms or their symptoms are very severe, or who may have a higher risk (pregnant, aged 65 or older, other medical conditions) of complications should contact their doctor.
If an infant less than 3 months of age has a fever, a parent or caregiver should contact a doctor straight away.
Of course I cant finish this topic about health and wellness with out highly recommending Reiki as it provides deep relaxation and energetic balance to support optimal health and wellness of the mind, body and spirit.
There are lots of resources for natural healing modalities that support the body to heal itself. Ask your social circles for referrals to HOLISTIC or NATUROPATHIC practitioners.
Always feel free to contact me for more information about this article or other questions you may have.
Our bodies function as they are supposed to when we are relaxed.
• Depresses the immune system
• Depletes Vitamins, Minerals & AntiOxidants
Hinders Digestion and Elimination
• Causes short term memory loss
According to
BREATH is a VITAL part of our Well-Being! (Who knew?)
• Sufficient oxygen to our cells is a primary component of optimal health
• BREATH should be diaphragmatic breathing (inhale expanding your abdomen, exhale lowering your abdomen) is the fastest way to physiologically relax.
• practice 3 to 5 minutes daily.
• exhale taking longer than your inhale connects needs of body and healing.
Suggest count of 5-inhale-7-hold -8exhale, as is comfortable for you.
• Inhale into Nose while comfortable.
• In a matter of days, this deep breathing will become natural.
Meditation, especially when combined with diaphragmatic breathing, is considered to be a type of Mind-Body COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE for the mind, body, and spirit.
Research shows meditation produces a deep state of relaxation and tranquil mind creating conditions that support healing of the body. This includes
Talk about some pretty impressive health benefits. Just 30 minutes a day can make a difference.
More on Gratitude…
Clinical trials indicate that the practice of gratitude can have dramatic and lasting effects in a person’s life
• It can lower blood pressure,
• improve immune function and
• facilitate more efficient sleep
People who keep a gratitude journal have
• a reduced dietary fat intake – as much as 25 percent lower.
• 23 percent lower stress hormones like cortisol.
Also, having a daily gratitude practice could actually reduce the effects of aging to the brain.
Being thankful has such a profound effect because gratitude is an energy or vibration similar to the high vibration of love and increases our own vibration in harmony-mind, body and spirit.
Breathing, Meditation and Gratitude…a Healing Combination
Also Consider Adding Reiki to Your Healing Regimen.
It promotes
Reiki is often Used in tandem with conventional health practices and medicine
As always, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve you. Please feel free to email me for more support in boosting your immune system.
Welcome to my tips on Lifestyle Awareness. I am developing a blog insert that will be here soon. In the mean time i am sharing this article with you to be completed in a timely manner, I look forward to sharing lots of worthwhile information and resources. Please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions for material you are interested in.
I can help you release energy blocks to restore a free flow.
Let me teach you how to heal and maintain your energy.
Be amazed. Simple, and effective-transformation
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